Nov 22, 2022

Business Reengineering and Twitter

The recent and abrupt change in Twitter’s governance model has large businesses scaling back their advertising spend on the platform. Anecdotally, advertisers spend a small proportion of their budgets on Twitter compared to larger scale platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. As a result, advertisers can disengage gradually without completely losing touch with the public.

Oct 20, 2022

Whose experiences will shape 6G?

Last week, I moderated a panel at 6G World’s North American symposium. The panel focused on the new “experiences” that next generation networks are expected to enable. To begin with, we heard from Cathy Hackl, industry pundit and Godmother of the Metaverse. 

To complement Cathy’s largely consumer-oriented and brand-marketing insights, panelists from Mitre Labs, US Ignite and Verizon Robotics discussed an alternative way to look at 6G experiences. Their contributions highlighted the changing structure of the communications industry. We explored how external bodies and agencies peripheral to the communications industry are driving new industry dynamics. The role of spectrum regulators, the US Department of Defense and holders of licensed and unlicensed spectrum will reshape the industry’s supply-side experience. Inevitably, there will be consequences for innovation, procurement, and operations of 6G systems. 

Aug 31, 2022

Telco Challenges in Entering Adjacent Markets

I recently come across a couple of experienced industry analysts using some variation of the term “permission to play” when talking about where telco service providers should and should not focus their strategies. As a framework, there is some merit in being disciplined about an organizations core market(s). 

However, if the framework is applied rigidly, the mantra artificially limits the scope for innovation and industry analysis. That is a growing risk for a sector that operates against a backdrop of transformative innovation. It is also a risk because the boundaries between telco, adjacent industries and emerging sectors are blurring.

May 23, 2022

IoT is Dead; Long Live IoT!

Copenhagen Business School recently hosted an expert panel [1] to explore how algorithms and data shape competition in the context of platforms. These might be e-commerce or social media platforms that exploit consumer data for advertising and behavioral-nudging purposes. The dynamics of this market are changing, partly due to privacy regulations. Competitive strategies, such as Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) offering, are another factor [2]. 

Among the economic, competitive strategy and technology topics under discussion, the discussion around data seemed particularly relevant to how the Internet of Things (IoT) market is developing. 

Apr 9, 2022

IoT Day: Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Over the past few years, the World IoT Day movement [1] has drawn considerable attention to the opportunities presented by IoT technologies. As the industry scales up, strategists will want to study long term and structural changes that will shape the market in years to come. This is important, both for organizations intending to adopt IoT and solution providers hoping to strike it big. 

Late in 2021, the strategy consultancy McKinsey updated its 2015 study and concluded that the IoT was coming of age [2]. If nothing else, the investment in making this update sends a signal that IoT is firmly on the corporate agenda. Firms need to treat IoT as essential to future business prospects. IoT is no longer a headline grabber, a discretionary investment, or a niche application.